Osaka Plastic Industries buttons and other clothing parts wholesale. Company information
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Company information

With an accurate grasp on the latest fashion information from Japan and internationally, Osaka Plastic Industries is always ready to provide buttons and other decorative parts which meet the most current needs of the market. Below, we have provided a company overview as well as information on our business stance and philosophy. We ask you to read this information in order to deepen your understanding of our company and to encourage you to choose us to be your trusted business partner.

Message from the President

A message to our customers from the President of Osaka Plastic Industries, provider of buttons and other decorative items which support and enhance fashion.


Company name Osaka Plastic Industries Co., Ltd.
Head Office

3-8-22 Katsuyama-kita, Ikuno-ku Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture 544-0033 JAPAN

Tokyo Business Office

1-3-11 Kuramae, Taito-ku,Tokyo 111-0051 JAPAN

Gifu Business Office

752-10-106 Sei, Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture 500-8346 JAPAN

Founded 1897
Incorporated February 13, 1952
Capital \40 million
Representative President Kazunori Oya
Employees 40
Description of business The design, manufacture, and sale (export and import) of buttons and Western clothing accessories; as well as real estate (Condominium Division )
Settlement term June 30 (once per year)
Banks MUFG Bank Imazato Branch
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Tsuruhashi Branch
Mizuho Bank Imazato Branch
Osaka Shinkin Bank Katsuyama Branch
Affiliate companies Shinko Plastics Co., Ltd.
Asahi Plastics Co., Ltd.
Ryoko Co., Ltd.
SUNN-KK Corporation.


1897 Founded in Minami Ward, Osaka City as a business manufacturing and selling sundries.
1946 Completed construction of a methacrylate resin recycling plant at the then-location of our Head Office.
1952 Incorporated as Osaka Plastic Industries Co., Ltd.
Sold button materials and buttons primarily made from nylon, polyester, and acrylic resin domestically as well as to countries around the world. Completed construction of a new plant in Daito City, Osaka Prefecture.
1967 Moved our plant from Daito City to Okawa District, Kagawa Prefecture.
1982 Opened our Tokyo Business Office, strengthening domestic sales.
1986 Completed construction of a new Head Office building.
1987 Expanded our Tokyo Business Office in order to further strengthen business operations.
1990 Completed construction of a Head Office warehouse building.
Opened our Gifu Sales Office.
1994 Expanded our Head Office warehouse building.
Moved our Tokyo Business Office in order to further strengthen business operations.
Established a local subsidiary in Taiwan.
1995 Established a local subsidiary in Hong Kong.
1998 Moved our Tokyo Business Office into our own building.
2001 Established a local subsidiary in Shanghai.
2005 Launched our real estate division.
Completed construction of our Palazzo Shitennoji condominium.
2006 Completed construction of our Palazzo Shinmachi condominium.
Started a condominium revenue business in Tokyo.
2008 Moved Tokyo Business Office to an expanded facility in Kuramae in order to further strengthen business operations.
2013 Established a local subsidiary in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
